SAP - FI AR : Configuration of Dunning - Customer / Vendor

SAP Dunning, which is mainly used in processing of collecting the customer payments.
Sometimes your business partners may fall behind on payments. You can send them a payment reminder or a dunning notice to remind them of their outstanding debts. The R/3 System allows you to dun business partners automatically. The system duns the open items from business partner accounts in which the overdue items create a debit balance.
The dunning program selects the overdue open items, determines the dunning level of the account in question, and creates a dunning notice. It then saves the dunning data created for the items and accounts affected.
You can use the dunning program to dun both customers and vendors. It may be necessary to dun a vendor if he or she has a debit balance as a result of a credit memo. If a customer is also a vendor, you can offset the account balances against one another.
Click on Dunning for downloading the "Configuration of Dunning - Customer / Vendor"

How to Configure Reconciliation Account Determination

The configuration of reconciliation account determination is similar to revenue account determination.
In some cases, a company will want to separately identify customer receivables. A good example is when a customer pre-purchases a credit which it plans to use in the future against specific types of purchases, e.g., prepaid training credit which the customer gets when they purchase a large piece of machinery. In the accounts receivables, a credit will have to be shown, and when the customer purchases a training course, the cost is deducted from the credit, not billed to the customer.
This example shows how to configure reconciliation account determination for invoicing to make the cost and credit go to a separate account, and how to configure a special G/L indicator to allow manual adjustments of this account in FI-AR module.

Click on "Reconciliation account"  to download the configuration.

How to enable the cache memory in SAP R/3 ?


Can you tell me how to enable the cache memory in SAP R/3? In Whole landscape, for some cache is working and for some it is not.
Please let me know the setting I can enable the cache memory.

I am facing a lot of problems like noting down all the documents and field entries i have typed earlier to test.

Good to see the site for more configurations i dont know and good portal to develop the SAP knowledge esp. in configuration.

Thanks & Regards,

Muthuvel Rajan S

Goto the SAP GUI Help :

In that you can see "Adjusting the Local Layout". If you click on that you will get more items in that select the "Local Data Settings". There you can see the options about the History. If it is "Off" you will see blank space with some text in there. In your case may be it is "off". Check with the other systems (Developemnt/Sand box) may be you can see the details. This is normally controlled by the BASIS people.

SAP BAI, BAI2 flat file format?

This file is used for SAP financial purposes and this does interact mainly with the Banks. Banks have different format like BAI, BAI2 etc. BAI and BAI2 formats differ in their level of information detail. BAI does not separate out the incoming check line items by invoice subtotal reference. Conversely, BAI2 splits the check total into separate invoice references and associated payment amounts. As a result, your hit rate percentage of payment-invoice matching from each transmission is likely to be higher when using BAI2 rather than BAI formats.

Usually how we approach (when we receive the file) is we will read the legacy file with file adapter and then will convert into the BAI file format and drop the converted file on a shared drive. There are standard programs in SAP which picks this file and loads the data in sap. If your client has different structure then the ABAPer may need to change the program accordingly.

The Bai file format you can take a look here:


Also please look into this help:

Note 86952 - Electronic bank statemt:BAI format (you can see the standard programs here)


The bottom line is the standard program in SAP expects this format and using PI will make this file from your legacy file

Differences between SAP EC-CS and BCS

ECCS is R3 based consolidation system while SEM BCS is on top of BI or BW
server. There are following differences in ECCS and BCS.

  •    BCS, integrated into SAP's Business Intelligence (BI) system, is a component of Strategic Enterprise Management (SEM)
  •    Integration of BCS into Business Intelligence, not SAP R3, requires data to be transferred from FI R3 to the FI cube in BI
  •    Data is consolidated in Cube thus it improves performance
  •    The inclusion of BCS into SAP's BI allows a tight integration between Consolidation Processing and Consolidation Reporting
  •    BCS BI Reporting provide a great deal of flexibility, allowing the user to select & analyze data to meet their specific business needs!
  •    Can work with two conso units in one Data Set. Cost accounting values can be stored and can be used for reporting purpose.
  •    BCS includes the following new tasks that were not included in ECCS:
      1. Use of one monitor, including both Data and Consolidation tasks
      2. Period Initialization
      3. FIGL Datastream
      4. LC Trial balance
      5. Allocation
      6. Elimination – IC Operating Lease

What is this darn Internal Order…, many guys keep asking?

Let me give you an example which will remove this doubt forever.

Lets say in an organization there are various events such as trade fairs, training seminars, which occur during the year. Now lets assume for a second that these Trade fairs are organized by the Marketing cost center of the organization. Therefore in this case marketing cost center is responsible for all the trade fairs costs. All these trade fairs costs are posted to the marketing cost centers. Now if the management wants an analysis of the cost incurred for each of the trade fair organized by the marketing cost center how would the marketing manager get this piece of information across to them?

Now this is where Internal Order steps in .If you go through all cost center reports this information is not readily available since all the costs are posted to the cost center.
SAP, therefore provides the facility of using internal orders which comes in real handy in such situations. In the above scenario the controlling department would then need to create an internal order for each of the trade fair organized. The cost incurred for each of the trade fair will be posted to the internal orders during the month. At the month end, these costs which are collected in the internal order will be settled from these orders to the marketing cost center. Thus the controlling person is now in a position to analyze the cost for each of the trade fair separately.
Click on the below Config on Internal Order for FREE CONFIGURATION NOTES ON INTERNAL ORDER.

SAP FICO Reports : Most Used & Most Important

Report Name

Transaction Code


General Ledger:
Recurring Entry Documents S_ALR_87012346 You are able to determine which documents:
· are carried out in a particular time period
· are not carried out
· are carried out during the next run of the recurring entry program
G/L Account Statements S_ALR_87012332 You use this Report to create Statements for Customers / Vendors / G/L Accounts.
The primary difference between this report and other item lists for the entry view (line item lists for customers, vendors, and G/L accounts) is that it can be used to produce item lists for G/L accounts without line item display in the entry view.
Financial Statement S_ALR_87012284 You use this report to create the balance sheet and profit and loss statements for a user-defined reporting period within a fiscal year with absolute and relative comparisons for a comparison period.
Financial Statement: Actual/Actual Comparison S_PL0_86000028 You use this report to compare actual data within a certain period to reference data from another period.
Compact Document Journal S_ALR_87012289 You use this report to display the most important data from document headers and items in table form for the selected documents. The list can be used as a journal and for reconciliation with the lists of account balances (accounting reconciliation).
Line Item Journal S_ALR_87012291 You use this report to create an overview of the selected posting documents.
Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases S_ALR_87012357 You use this report to create the advance return for tax on sales/purchases. If required, you can also create a batch input session for automatic transfer posting of tax payable or fill out the tax return.
Chart of Accounts S_ALR_87012326 You use this report to display G/L account master data that is not specific to the company code and print out G/L account lists.
Fixed Assets:
…by cost center S_ALR_87011979 You use this report to create a fixed asset report by cost center.
…by asset class S_ALR_87011981 You use this report to create a fixed asset report by asset class.
Asset Balances S_ALR_87011994 You use this report to create an Asset Balance and display values of fixed assets.
Asset Transactions S_ALR_87012048 You use this report to display asset transactions. For each document, the report shows:
· the change to the acquisition and production costs
· the change to the value adjustments
· the ordinary and special depreciation planned for this transaction
Asset Acquisitions S_ALR_87012050 You use this report to display asset acquisitions.The following is displayed for each document:
· Acquired APC
· Acquired quantity
· Planned ordinary and special depreciation for the acquisition
Asset Retirements S_ALR_87012052 You use this report to display asset retirements.Each document shows the
· Retired acquisition and production costs
· Retired quantity
· Retired proportional depreciation
· Earned revenue
· Gain/loss
· Possible retirement costs
Cost Element Accounting:
Controlling Documents: Actual Costs KSB5 You use this report to display actual cost documents. The program creates a Document with all actual Costs as required.
Internal Orders: Master Data Report KOK5 You use this report to display Internal Order Documents.
Cost Center Accounting:
Cost Centers: Actual/Plan/Variance S_ALR_87013611 You can use the Report/Report-Interface to access the following reports:
· Cost Centers: Actual Line Items
· Cost Centers: Planning Overview
· Cost Centers: Plan Line Items
· CCtrs: Period Breakdown Actual/Plan
· Activity Types: Period Breakdown
· Stat. Key Figs: Period Breakdown
· Cost Centers: Breakdown by Partner
· Cost Centers: Breakdown by B.Trans.
· Area: Actual/Plan 2 Currencies
· Display planning long texts
Range: Cost Centers S_ALR_87013612 You can use the Report/Report-Interface to access the following reports:
· Cost Centers: Planning Overview
· Cost Centers: Actual/Plan/Variance
· Area: Cost Elements
· Cost Centers: Breakdown by Partner
· Cost Centers: Breakdown by B.Trans
Range: Cost Elements S_ALR_87013613 You can use the Report/Report-Interface to access the following reports:
· Cost Centers: Actual Line Items
· Cost Centers: Plan Line Items
· CCtrs: Period Breakdown Actual/Plan
· Cost Centers: Planning Overview
· Cost Centers: Breakdown by Partner
Cost Centers: Planning Overview KSBL You use this report to create a planning overview for all cost centers.
Range: Actual/Budget/Commitments S_ALR_87013648 You use this report to create an overview for each cost center of the
· Actual costs
· Commitments
· Allotted costs
· Budget
Cost Centers: Activity Prices KSBT You use this report to create a List of Activity Prices by Cost Centers or Cost Center Groups
Internal Orders:
Orders: Actual Line Items KOB1 You use this program to create a report for Actual Line Items for Orders.
Orders: Commitment Line Items KOB2 The program creates a Report for Commitment Cost Line Items for Orders as required.
List: Orders S_ALR_87012995 You use this program to create a List of all Orders by Controlling Area for a Plan/Actual Comparison.
Orders: Actual/Plan/Variance S_ALR_87012993 You use this program to create an overview of the actual and plan data on internal orders in the reporting time frame for each Cost element, Cost element group and Statistical key figure.
Order: Planning Overview KABL You use this program to create a planning overview by Order.
List_ Budget/Actual/Commitments S_ALR_87013019 You use this program to create a List concerning Budget/Actual/Commitments for Internal Orders.
Profitability Analysis:
Execute Report KE30 You use this program to create several profitability reports.
· Execute Drilldown Report Plan/Actual Sales Detail List
· Execute Drilldown Report Plan/Actual Sales Mat. Costs
· Execute Drilldown Report Plan/Actual Sales OH Costs
· Execute Drilldown Report Reconciliation
Information System:
Costs/Revenues/Expenditures/Receipts S_ALR_87013531 You use this program to create a Cost/Revenues/Expenditures/Receipts report for projects.
Actual/Costs/Revenues CJI3 You use this program to display Project Actual Cost Line Items.
Product Costing
Multilevel BOM: Value / Amount / Status CK86_99 You use this transaction to create a List concerning costed BOMs.
Cost Component CK80_99 You use this transaction to create a List concerning Cost Components of the Cost Estimate.
Itemization CK84_99 You use this transaction to create a List concerning Itemization of the Cost Estimate.
Cost Elements KKBC_MAT You use this transaction to create a List concerning Cost Elements of the Cost Estimate.
Analyzing/Comparing Material Cost Estimates S_P99_41000111 You use this transaction to create a List to compare Material Cost Estimate.
Analyzing Product Cost Collector KKBC_PKO You use this transaction to create a List to analyze Product Orders.
Analyzing Product Order KKBC_HOE You use this transaction to create a List to analyze Product Orders.


We write programs to achieve certain functionality and like other actions, we make mistakes while writing the code. If they are not trapped at the right time, problem becomes bigger, and bigger and bigger.
Read more in ... DEBUG



The BREAK POINT is a debugging aid. When we run a program normally, it is interrupted at the statement, and the system automatically starts the debugger, allowing you to display the contents of any fields in the program and check how the program continues. If the program is running in the background or in an update task, the system generates a system log message. 
Read more in ... BREAK POINT
Indicator in a program that tells the ABAP runtime processor to interrupt the program at a particular point.
Read more in ...WATCH POINT