SAP: FI-AP: Possible F110 Errors !!!

Payment proposal & & has not yet been created
Payment proposal & & cannot be changed again
Company codes &/& do not appear in proposal & &; correct
Company code & does not exist; correct
Payment method & is not defined in country &; correct
Enter a payment method for incoming payments
Enter a payment method for outgoing payments
Payment method & is not defined in company code &; correct
Payment run & & has not yet been carried out
& is not a house bank for company code &; correct
No G/L account has been specified for & /& for the bank
Customer/vendor does not have suitable bank details for pmnt method &
No bank has been chosen; use different payment method
Select customer's/vendor's bank details
Payment method & is not defined for this payment run
New allocation only possible if item is unblocked
No items found with the relevant values
Account & is contained in proposal & &; release not possible
Account & & is currently blocked; try again later
Special G/L transaction for exception list; it cannot be changed
Inconsistency after error; changes not saved cancelled
Do not place the cursor on a line with exceptions
Block key & cannot be set in the payment proposal
Bank data for house bank & & has been deleted
Required address data missing; please maintain (see long text)
Address data read from master record
Required address data missing from document; choose another payment meth.
There are still bills/exch. for presentation in unprocessed BI sessions
Doc.currency & and country currency & of presenting country are different
No number range could be found for the payment orders
A number could not be assigned for the payment order
Company code & for & & is blocked by user &
Item in excep. list cannot be changed because belongs to sending CoCde &1
Payment proposal being checked against payment budget....
Account & & is blocked against payment
Only the following accounts can be used: &1
Bank data for country & bank key & has been marked for deletion
Missing authorization in company code & (activity &)
Proposal run &1 / &2 does not exist
Payment run &1 / &2 does not exist
Proposal run &1 / &2 processed: &3 vendor(s)/customer(s) blocked
Changeable payment blocks are not allowed in proposal processing
Payment run &1 &2 is intended for cross-payment run payment media
The payment runs selected cannot be processed together
Error when creating the payment medium run
&3 payments were selected
Payment run is not a payment medium run
Payment medium run was reset
No data records found for these selection criteria
No documents can be displayed for proposal run
Only documents for FI payments can be displayed
You are not authorized to delete this object
You have no authorization for company code &
You have no authorization for FI proposal run
You only have authorization for FI payment run
You have no authorization for HR payment runs
You only have authorization for HR payment runs
You have no authorization for FI payment runs
You have no authorization for FI proposal runs
Function module WS_VOLUME_SET with error &
Payment advice note & already exists
Payment document advice note & does not exist
Error during deletion of the payment document advice note
Processing terminated. No payment advice note created.
This function cannot be executed for payment demands.
IDOC & is being called up for display
Not possible to process IDOC data
Incorrect display of IDOC
Only IDoc data can be processed
Data for payment IDoc & archived.
Internal error archiving data for payment IDoc.
Archiving cannot be completed.
... payment not possible because of reported error
Posting for account type & should be carried out with posting key &
For document type &, account type & is not defined
G/L account & does not exist in company code & for cntry & curr. & code & cntry & not defined
G/L acct & in comp.code & is not a reconciliation acct for acct type &
No posting keys have been defined for company code clearing &, &
G/L account & & is a reconciliation account, so cannot be posted to
G/L account & & only allows & as foreign currency but not &
For account & & period & / & has not been opened
For company code & period & / & has not been opened
The posting keys are not specified completely for transaction &
Sp.G/L indic. & is not permitted for bill of payment exchange requests
Special G/L indicator & is only permitted for statistical postings
Company code clearing not possible for comp.code & vendor & customer &
Account & & for cash discounts must not have a tax code
Proposal run & & has already been carried out and edited
Payment run & & has already been carried out
Customer & & is already contained in proposal & &
Exchange rate from & to & not maintained at posting date
Document number & & already assigned (incorrect status in no.range &)
In company code &, document number range & is missing for &
Bank acct cannot be determined for co.code & bank & pmnt method & curr.&
In country & the definitions for pmnt method & were deleted
Fiscal year variant & is not defined for comp.code &
In fiscal year variant & no period is allocated for &
Proposal run & & has already been carried out
Customer & & : Alternative payer & is missing, cannot be processed
...none of the payment methods defined can be used for these items
Customer & & is contained in proposal & &; no editing
Vendor & & is contained in proposal & &; no editing
More than 50 accounts are contained in another payment proposal
Processing will be stopped, no items have been edited
Different trading partners & and & in payment document
Purchase order & (assigned to an account) not permitted
Overlap with payment run & &
Parameters could not be read
Customer & & is blocked, editing not possible
Vendor & & is blocked, editing not possible
Company ID not specified for company code &
Business transaction cannot be processed by consolidation
Tax calculation procedure not defined for company code & in country &
Master data for branch or payee & is missing
Payment amount & falls short of minimum amount of & &
In company code & the definitions for pmnt method & were deleted
Vendor & &: No payment due to delete flag or posting block
Customer & &: No payment due to delete flag or posting block
Synchronous update could not be activated
Selected and as yet unassigned bills of exchange (amnt in &): Total &
Payment amount in &: &
Rate from & to & on & for rate type & is missing in rate table
Vendor & & does not exist for company code clearing
Customer &1 &2 for vendor &3 is blocked
Customer &1 &2 for vendor &3 is blocked by &4
Vendor &1 &2 for customer &3 is blocked
Vendor &1 &2 for customer &3 blocked by &4
Document & & &: payment block changed by BTE 00001820 in &
Document & & &: payment method changed by BTE 00001820 in &
Customer &: no payment in company code & due to balance block
Vendor &: no payment in company code & due to balance block
Payment with currency &1, payment method &2: No valid payment procedure
Different payer (customer &) and clearing not possible concurrently
The payment document is to receive too many items
... the execution of the payment program is terminated
Item is blocked for payment
Account is blocked for payment
Alternative payee is blocked for payment
No valid payment method found
Error in creating the payment document; read job log
Error in editing the document; read job log
Payment method in the document should not be considered in this run
A breakdown of the line items on the payment forms was not possible
Minimum amount for payment has not been reached
Item is blocked for payment, lost cash discount imminent
Account is blocked for payment, lost cash discount imminent
Payee is blocked for payment, lost cash discount imminent
Pmnt methods for this run are not specified in master record or in item
Special G/L transaction which only appears on the exceptions list
Payment request: no payment, original document will be paid
Payment request: no payment, original document is cleared
+/- sign for local/for.curr.balances are different, pmnt not possible
Preliminary payment: no clearing, since original document not paid
Clearing document type for debit side transfer posting is not defined
Clearing document type for credit side transfer posting is not defined
Master data is missing for branch or payee
Due date is too early for the bill of exchange payment method in question
Different payer during clearing is not supported
Inconsistency between payment request and document
Account has been flagged for deletion
Payee flagged for deletion
Unconfirmed change to master record
Unconfirmed change to payee master data
Change to master data refused
Refused master record change for payee

SAP: Validation & Substitution

Validation, which validates the values entered by the user.
Substitution, which substitutes the correct values by removing the wrong values entered by the user.


Defined User Status details are stored in the Table: ENT5854. You can
see the number of status details for one status profile. These details
may differ from client to client. Also differs from one status profile
to another. Against each status(ENT5854-TXT04) you can see the
technical status(ENT5854-ESTAT) details. Here the technical status
(ENT5854-ESTAT) is the main reference to check details further.

In the Table: VICN01, for every RE-Contract (VICN01- RECNNR) you can
see the Object number (VICN01- RECNOBJNR).

Now, use the same object number in the Table: JEST in the Object
number (JEST- OBJNR) field and execute for the entries. Now you can
see multiple entries in the output. For one object number you can see
multiple entries.

To get the latest status relating to the object (JEST-OBJNR), check
the particular entry, which is with 'active' status (JEST-INACT) and
with the latest 'change number' (JEST-CHGNR).

This status check procedure is same even in case of Rental Object,
Internal Order, WBS Element, etc.,

Always user status starts with 'E0001'and system status starts with
'I0001'. Logic to check the status is also same i.e., active status
having the latest change number.

SAP: CO - COPA Document not created

1. COPA not activated in TCODE:KEKE - with this you can transfer actual postings from SD, FI, CO & MM.
2. From SD
    - if Condition type not assigned to Value field
    - if Condition type not active
3. From MM
    - if Condition type not assigned to Value field
    - if Condition type not active

4. From FI
    - Either source or value field not assigned in the PA transfer structure.
    - In case of "Default account assignment", if PS is activated and value not flown means then the issue must be in derivation.
5. From CO
    - Missing CO N
umber ranges - TCODE: KEN1

Consolidation SEM BCS Vs EC CS

1. BCS is Business consolidation and Simulation and EC CS is Consolidation and Simulation in ECC 6.0
2. SEM BCS and ECCS both are consolidation applications of SAP System.
3. ECCS is based on R/3 where as SEM BCS is based on BW.
4. BCS is entirely out side R/3 and EC CS is R/3, here they have included some features in R/3 for consolidation and at the same time BCS is out side R/3 and has more features....while taking the reports then you take help of BW... end of the day you will get the data from R/3 even for BCS also.

SEM-BCS –Functional advantages compared to EC-CS -

 - Easier integration to remote SAP systems or non-SAP systems via BI
 - Approval workflow for documents **
 - Copy function and flexible upload for all posting levels **
 - Deferred taxes –balance sheet approach **
 - Inter-unit profit elimination in inventory with supply chains
 - Inter-unit profit elimination in inventory with equity method
 - Inter-unit profit elimination in transferred assets
 - Hidden reserves and contingencies
 - C/I –read investment data from totals database
 - C/I –flexible treatment of goodwill in acquisitions
 - C/I –posting of goodwill on subsidiary
 - Allocation
 - Restatement infrastructure **
 - Web-enablement for functionality used by local accountants **

SEM-BCS –Missing functionality compared to EC-CS *

 - Mass change of items and consolidation units
 - Real-time update from FI
 - Sample documents and parked documents **
 - Currency translation –method * is no longer available
 - C/I –statement of changes in equity
 - Encapsulated function modules to be used within custom-defined tasks
 - Multi-period consolidation **
* based on ERP 2005
** may be provided via ERP 2005 enhancement package
source: sap service market place

IFRS: The Right Next Step for US Business


International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is the framework used by most publicly traded companies in the world today to report their financial results. With support from important constituencies, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) have taken first steps toward a transition to IFRS from the accounting and reporting framework currently in place in the US. Is the US really going to set aside US generally accepted accounting principles (US GAAP)? The answer is almost certainly yes. As this white paper shows, within a few years the SEC is likely to designate a date for mandatory adoption of IFRS by all US public companies.
Read Full Story --> Click HERE
source: sdn. sap. com
Author: pwc

Running new GL and traditional GL at the same time

Refer to the following OSS Note for all migration queries

1070629 - FAQs: New General Ledger Migration

Read question 23 for  "Running new GL and traditional GL at the same time"

23. You want to configure a new company code with the new general ledger. The existing company codes use the classic general ledger. Can company codes use different general ledgers (classic and new) in the same client?

The implementation of a new company code and the transition from the classic general ledger to the new general ledger are two different projects which you must schedule at different times.
You perform the migration from the classic general ledger to the new general ledger at client level and it affects all company codes in this client.

Because the new general ledger is activated at client level, the new general ledger would be active for all company codes, not only for the new company code. This would mean that the new general ledger is active in the old company codes, but there was no migration from the classic general ledger to the new general ledger. This is not possible.

Therefore, it is not possible to start with a new company code in the new general ledger while the classic general ledger is still active in other company codes in the same client.

First implement the new company code. Then set up the project for the transition from the classic general ledger to the new general ledger.

Alternatively: First set up the project for the transition from the classic general ledger to the new general ledger and migrate the data to the new general ledger, then implement the new company code.

Benefits of New General Ledger over the Classic General Ledger

The new General Ledger in mySAP ERP has the following advantages over the classic General Ledger in R/3 Enterprise:

a) In the new General Ledger, you can display the parallel accounting using parallel accounts (as in R/3) or using parallel ledgers. The FI standard functions and reports are available for all parallel ledgers.

b) The 'Segment' entity and the relevant reporting that are required for segment reporting according to IAS and U.S. GAAP are available in the new General Ledger.

c) In addition, you can enhance the new General Ledger flexibly, that is, you can enter user-defined fields and update the relevant totals. Many standard reports can evaluate the information from the user-defined fields.

d) When you use the new 'Document Splitting' function (online split), you can create financial statements at company code level and, if required, for entities, such as the segment. For each document, the system then creates a zero balance
for the relevant entity, for example, for the segment.

e) As a result, you no longer have to carry out time-consuming reconciliation tasks between FI and CO for the end of period since cross-entity processes are transferred in real-time to the new General Ledger in Controlling. Furthermore, you can, for example, navigate from the financial statements report results or the profit and loss statement report results to the relevant CO report.

f) The new General Ledger uses the same interfaces as the General Ledger in R/3. As a result, users do not require any additional training.

g) Due to the new 'multi-dimensional' aspect in the General Ledger, all data that is relevant for the General Ledger is stored in one environment. As a result, reconciliation tasks, for example, between the general ledger and Profit Center Accounting or the consolidation staging ledger, and processing steps that have to be carried out repeatedly in the individual applications (for example, balance carryforward are no longer required. When you use the new General Ledger, you may not have to use the special ledger anymore.

Finding what tables and fields lie behind an SAP transaction

The question "what is it doing and why ?" is a pretty standard part of the BASIS person / teams day.  It can be in the context of debugging a program or process, or trying to work out what configuration changes are required to make something work. An example of when thius gets escalated to BASIS is when the development or functional team have moved on, leaving someone who knows what to do but not why – usually a user (under pressure from their boss) who just wants to get the system doing what they've been told it should be doing….

However, your BASIS team (or person) has to be a jack of all trades,  but also a working knowledge of Networking, Desktop PCs, the Operating System(s) and Databases(s) their SAP systems are running on and so on, as well as being able to answer SAP functional questions.
Read Full Story here...
Author: Martin
Source: sdn. sap. com

SAP: OSS - Finding notes

Does needle in a haystack sound familiar?  This documentation is meant to give you a starting place.  Remember there are many different ways to find OSS notes.   Explore your own.  If you find one that works well, please add your comment.
Read full story here
Author: Michell Crapo
Source: sdn. sap. com

Billing document to COPA partially transferred !!

Check the below for possible reasons:

1. Check the whether the Condition type is assigned properly to the value field.

2. Cost elements used in this case must be created with CElem category must be either 11 (Revenue element) or 12 (Sales deduction)

3. Conditions can be statistical or non-statistical, but the cost element defined for the G/L account must be of type '11' or '12'.

4. Tax conditions are not posted in CO-PA

5. All conditions in an item must be active (inactive conditions are not transferred to COPA)

Sample Questionarie : For Functional Upgrade to ECC 6.0 from 4.7

For Functional Upgrade to ECC 6.0 from 4.7 below are some of the questions :

1. The list of implemented modules
2. The list of used transactions/proceses
3. The list of modified by customer standard SAP objects
4. The list of own objects
5. The list of add-ons
6. Landsacape map with all iinterfaces