SAP: ASAP Implementation Check List !!!

ASAP Implementation check list, gives you the details in brief.
You can find details each phase wise.

SAP Cutover Activities : Master Data Uploading Strategies

Master Data Uploading Strategies depends upon when we are going live.  As per that, you have to give the information to Core Team. 
--> If you are going live at the middle of the year then you have to upload the all P&L Account items and B/S Items.   
--> If you are going live at the financial year start, you have to upload only the B/S Items.

Activities for Golive: 

1.   G/L Master Upload through BDC or LSMW (Upload using the TC: FS00 and extend one company code to another company code using the TC: FS01)
2.   Vendor Master Upload Thru BDC Or LSMW (Will be taken care by MM Consultant, Reconciliation account anc payment terms at company code level will be provided by FI) 
3.   Customer Master Upload Thru BDC or LSMW (Will be taken care by SD  Consultant, Reconciliation account anc payment terms at company code level will be provided by FI)  4.   Asset Master Upload (TC: AS90) 
5.   Cost Element Master Upload (TC: KSH1) 
6.   Cost Center Master Upload  (TC: KS01)
7.   Profit Center Master Upload  (TC: KE53)
8.   G/L Balances (TC: FB01) 
9.   Vendor Balances (TC: F-43) 
10. Customer Balances (TC: F-22) 
11. Customer Advances (TC: F-29) 
12. Vendor Advances (TC: F-48)
In case WHT is activated for the specified comapny code the before uploading Vendor Balances you have to take care of WHT(TDS) Information.