How to reduce finished goods stock without sales ?

Iam having a problem regarding the following business scenario.
             We are doing make to contract scenario
      We created the sales order in reference to sales contract
      After the production process we find there are some goods which is more than the sales order quantity, but we cant do any over delivery shipment through SAP.
      We have tried with the option in over delivery tolerance and it any how shown that overdelivery tolerance is not applicable in make to contract scenario. So now we are in helpless situation to deliver the goods through SAP and it is stoppe.
       Now my finished goods inventory is increasing as the stock is not reducing through sales.
My question is can you suggest any work around solution so that my inventory can be reduced without affecting others I mean not through 562 movt.
If you know the answer, please reply back at

Difference between ECC 6.0 vs 4.7EE - SAP FI / SD / MM / ABAP (Functional & Technical)

ECC means Enterprise Central component.

SAP R/3 4.7 is based on the 3-tier architecture. SAP is continuously upgrading the software, which is called as release versions for example SAP R/3 4.6C, SAP 4.7....


Now SAP evolved into using the Internet technology and is called as service oriented architecture (SOA). There are lots of functionalities available in ECC 5.0 and ECC 6.0 compared to R/3 in integrating with other systems. Probably to understand the specific release dependent changes, you can go thro the help documentation. For example to understand the diff between ECC 6.0 and ECC 5.0 please go thro the link:


Release Notes for SAP ERP Central Component (English) – Click here


Some of the differences in SD Module are:

1. Document Flow

In ECC 6.0, the flow of sales documents is seen much better and improved as compared to 4.6C. Once you look at the screen, you will clearly figure out the difference.

2. Sales Order Look and Feel

There are more tabs in ECC 6.0 for Item Level Details.
The Sales Doc. appears as supremely perfect.

3. ECC 6.0 is built on Net Weaver Technology (that possess SOA i.e. service oriented architecture), Hence more reliable and improved as compared to previous one.

Release Notes for SAP ERP Central Component (English) – Click here


Some of the differences ABAP Module side:


  1. For installing ECC 6.0 you required a solution manager key. With out solution manager key you cannot install ECC6.0.
  2. ECC 6.0 is called net weaver component here you have ABAP+JAVA stack & for installing 4.6 you don't require solution manager key. It only having ABAP stack.
  3. ECC6.0 supports UNCODE & 4.6C supports NONUNICODE.
  4. Major difference is ECC6 is net weaver product having WASJAVA+ABAP - secondly support Unicode apart from this we have other diff. you can get from master guide from

5.      In terms of ABAP some function modules are obsolete in 4.7. e.g. WS_UPLOAD, WS_DOWNLOAD etc. You can find the list of obsolete FMs in the table RODIR. These need to be replaced in the ECC System.

6.      Also ECC is very strict in case of EPC Errors. You need to check the EPC and remove the call function interface errors where it says SLIN observes catching of a runtime error. These might work with no issues in 4.7 but will short dump in ECC.

7.      If you are doing to a Unicode conversion also. You need to check the transaction UCCHECK for Unicode errors. You also need to replace obsolete statements like >< and => , =< etc.

8.      If you want to know more ABAP changes go to transaction ABAPDOCU and there is a node ABAP Changes by Release. You can see more ABAP Changes version by version here.

9.      ECC is more towards OOPS concepts, ECC is very developer friendly

10.   It has new debugger.

11.   New Enhancement Framework is introduced in ECC.

12.   It is more efficient to use Adobe forms in ECC.

13.   5.0 ECC - Build in Net Weaver Platform & 6.0 ECC - Build in Net Weaver Platform with Solution Manager

14.   ECC has new options in BADIs where you can create your own badis and implement it.

15.   You have new concept called Implicit and explicit source code plugins in ECC.

16.   Has webdynrpo component accessible from SE80 transaction Itself.


Some of the differences FI Module side:



1.      ECC 6.0 enables Business area posting - Segment reporting made easy.

2.      Profit center accounting is through new GL.

3.      Document splitting: Split of entry to post assets and liabilities to respective profit centers. (Balance sheet items)

4.      Enables commitment of FM, improved CRM feature & Mobile sales feature

Here are the list of Transactions not their in ECC 6.0

QAS1 Download Insp. Specs. (Obsolete)
QAS2 Download Basic Data (Obsolete)
QAS3 Upload Results (Obsolete)
QAS4 Upload UD (Obsolete)

WLF1K Report used to generate WLF1K is: SAPLWLF1
O07C Report used to generate O07C is: SSFPSEMAINT



Check the below links to download the PDF files for the release notes of MM Module:

ECC 5.0 - MM Module Release notes

SAP R/3 MM Module Release notes


Some of the differences Basis/Technical Module side:


If you're "Basis/Technical", focusing on the underlying technical "Basis" or "NetWeaver" versions will help you stay on the right track. Technically, ECC 6.0 is 2 "technology" versions higher. Following is the terminology/version information for the last 3 ERP product versions:

SAP R/3 Enterprise (4.7x)

SAP ERP 2004
SAP NetWeaver 2004 (BASIS 6.40)
ECC 5.0

SAP ERP 2005
SAP NetWeaver 2004s (BASIS 7.00)
ECC 6.0

The main technology feature delivered with NetWeaver is the integrated J2EE engine (Web Application Server Java).


You can use the below link for finding the differences between the 2 versions.

Can find the difference in release notes of each SAP version. Here are the links.

SAP Upgrade – Key points to remember

Purpose of this post - to highlight why customers across industry need SAP ERP upgrades & how effectively these upgrade projects can be executed. This document also covers actual upgrade experience of customer XYZ Corp.

Note: Above given points covered in one link only.

Important Tables in Upgrade

Important Tabes in Upgrade

Table Name Table Description
SMODILOG Log of Customer Modifications to Dev. Env. Objects
TRBAT Communication Table for Transport Control
TADIR Directory of Repository Objects
PRGN_CORR2 Correction Table for Modif. Transaction Codes in Area Menus
TVARV/TVARVC Table of variables in selection criteria
TCPDB Code page used in this database

SMODILOG - This table has the record of all modifications to the objects. This includes customized objects and SNOTE corrections. These objects usually can be found in SE95 if the change is not obsolete.

TADIR - Very important system table. This table is the directory of all repository objects. All ABAP report, classes, function groups, etc are recorded in this table. Usually used during the upgrade to keep track of lost objects.

Transactions Changed in ECC 6.0

Investment support business scenario - QUESTION

I have a question on the business scenario for investment support. Has anyone come across a scenario where a client will post investment support greater than the cost of their asset ? Logically one should not do that and technically SAP will not allow you to post investment support greater than the cost (APC) of the asset.

Assuming the process starts from Project. You get cost and investment posted to your project. Your cost gets settled to AuC (net/gross of investment support - depends on the design).
For e.g. I have cost of $10 in my project out of which $9 is investment support. If i am settling NET to AuC my AuC APC will have $1. I can never post investment support using ABIF T-type Ixx to AuC # with $ 9 as it exceeds APC cost.

Project Cost
Cost = 10
InvSp= (9)
Net = 1 to settle to AuC

Couple of workarounds would be to either shutdown the std. SAP error message (which won't be appropriate) or to wait until you have 2x the cost of investment support. But these workarounds would not work if the project is fully funded as you are settling NET and there is no more cost getting accrued on the project later.

Can someone give inputs to these kind of scenarios and what could be the better solution to it ?

If anybody has the answer for the above scenario, please reply at